[FTSC documents]

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Last updated 2025-01-22

Table of contents:

Administrative Documents

FTSC Charter. 2022-12-10
FTSC Operations. 2012-06-24
Document Submission and Publication Standard. 2014-04-27
FTSC Membership List. 2024-04-08
FTSC File List. 2018-10-31
FTSC Product Codes. 1998-03-22
Key words to indicate requirement levels. 1998-01-17
Intellectual Property Rights. 1998-01-17
FTSC Product Codes. 2024-03-21

FidoNet Technical Standards

A Basic FidoNet(r) Technical Standard. 1995-09-30
The Conference Mail System (EchoMail Specification). 1987-12-12
The Distribution Nodelist. 1996-02-07
YOOHOO and YOOHOO/2U2. 1991-11-30
Extending FTS-0001 to include SEAlink protocol. 1990-10-15
Extending FTS-0001 to include Bark requests. 1990-10-15
MSGID / REPLY; A standard for unique message identifiers and reply chain linkage. 1991-12-17
Raw ifcico mail transfer protocol. 2005-08-27
Simple E-Mail Attach Transport (S.E.A.T.). 2006-05-15
Binkp/1.0 Protocol specification. 2007-12-01
Binkp/1.0 optional protocol extension CRAM. 2007-12-01
Binkp protocol extension Non-reliable Mode. 2007-12-01
Binkp optional protocol extension Dataframe. 2007-12-01
Binkp optional protocol extension CRC Checksum. 2014-09-21
Time zone information (TZUTC). 2005-05-16
Netmail tracking (Via). 2003-05-16
The PING and TRACE flags. 2022-12-24
The Distribution Nodelist. 2014-01-23
Nodelist flags and userflags. 2017-08-13
POINTLIST formats. 2010-03-08
Character set definition in Fidonet messages. 2012-04-07
DNS Distributed Nodelist. 2013-01-06
Advanced BinkleyTerm Style Outbound flow and control. 2016-10-31
TIC file format. 2016-11-07

FidoNet Standards Proposals

Binkp/1.1 Protocol specification. 2003-10-06
Binkp extensions: No Dupes mode and No Dupes Asymmetric mode (russian text). 2003-10-20
Binkp optional protocol extension Multiple One-Way Batch Mode. (The document has not been submitted to FTSC and reviewed.)
Squish messagebase format. (The document has not been submitted to FTSC and reviewed.)
SRIF file request interface. 2018-03-11
The BEER nodelist flag. 2018-04-01

FidoNet Reference Library

A Basic FidoNet(tm) Technical Standard. 1987-12-27
FidoNet Route Files Explained. 2013-03-12
INTL kludge. 2013-03-12
The Opus Computer-Based Conversation System. 2013-03-12
FidoNet RFC822-Style Message Format. 2013-03-12
Fundamentals of FOSSIL implementation and use (superseded by FSC-0015). 2013-03-12
Nodelist capabilities identifier. 2013-03-12
RESYNC, a SEAlink protocol enhancement. 2013-03-12
Experiences/corrections to FTS-0001. 2013-03-12
A Standard for "Bark" File Requests (Superceeded by FTS-0008). 2013-03-12
A Bundle Proposal. 2013-03-12
Fundamentals of FOSSIL implementation and use. 2013-03-12
FidoNet mail session startup. 2013-03-12
FidoNet Standards Committee Archive Philosophy and Document Naming. 2013-03-12
The SEAlink file transfer protocol (Superceed by FTS-0007). 2013-03-12
Alternate Nodelist Flag Proposal. 2013-03-12
VFOSSIL - An OS/2-Subset Video FOSSIL Appendage. 2013-03-12
Bundle name format. 2013-03-12
Type-3 Mail Bundle. 2013-03-12
AVATAR; Advanced Video Attribute Terminal Assembler and Recreator. 2013-03-12
The Distribution Nodelist (Superceeded by FTS-0005). 2013-03-12
A Collection of Notes on Moving Files. 2013-03-12
** Not Used **. 2014-06-22
Message Identification and Reply for FidoNet. 2013-03-12
EchoMail ^aEID: Dup-Checking with Linked Replies. 2013-03-12
Uniform Echomail Quoting Style. 2013-03-12
FidoNet Message ID Proposal. 2013-03-12
Gateways to and from FidoNet; Technical, Administrative, and Policy Considerations. 2013-03-12
Transparent Gateways to and from FidoNet; Technical Considerations. 2013-03-12
Group Mail Specifications. 2013-03-12
AVATAR; Advanced Video Attribute Terminal Assembler and Recreator. 2013-03-12
A Domain Proposal For FidoNet. 2013-03-12
A Type-2 Packet Extension Proposal. 2013-03-12
A Type-2 Packet Extension Proposal. 1990-09-30
Extended Modem Handling. 2013-03-12
Proposed Modification to the Gateway Agreement Between WWIVnet and FidoNet via the "NetSEX" Program. 2013-03-12
Some Hints on Recognizing Control Lines in Message Text. 2013-03-12
An improved method of duplicate message detection and prevention. 2013-03-12
A Proposal for a New Packet title Format. 2013-03-12
A Product Idenfifier for FidoNet Message Handlers. 2013-03-12
The SPLIT Kludge Line For Splitting Large Messages. 2013-03-12
A Proposed Type-2 Packet Extension. 2013-03-12
A Proposal for Passing Domain Information During an FTS-0006 Session. 2013-03-12
A Character Set Identifier For FidoNet Message Editors. 2013-03-12
I51; A System-Independent Way of Transferring Special Characters. 2013-03-12
A proposal for making the PATH zone aware. 2013-03-12
Specifications for the ^aFLAGS field. 2013-03-12
CHARSET; A System-Independent Way of Transferring Special Characters, Character Sets and Style Information in Messages. 2013-03-12
Security Passwords in Nodelist Update Files. 2013-03-12
EMSI/IEMSI Protocol Definitions. 2013-03-12
Conference Managers - Specifications for Requests. 2013-03-12
A New Way Of Addressing. 2013-03-12
Newssection Interchange. 2013-03-12
Calculation and Usage of CRCs. 2013-03-12
Proposed Guidelines for the FileBone. 2013-03-12
Nodelist flag indicating Online Times of a Node. 2013-03-12
A Proposal for FidoNet style messages. 2013-03-12
InterDomain Message Identification, Gating, Reply Linking and Addressing. 2013-03-12
Type 3 ASCII. 2013-03-12
Type 3 Binary. 2013-03-12
A Proposal For Sensible New Kludge Lines. 2013-03-12
A Proposed Replacement For FTS-0004. 2013-03-12
Proposal for a FidoNet Domain Name Service (DNS). 2013-03-12
Improving Fidonet/Usenet gating and Dupe Checking. 2013-03-12
Distributed FREQ (DFREQ) Specifications. 2013-03-12
The HYDRA file transfer protocol. 2013-03-12
Encrypted Message Identification for FidoNet. 2013-03-12
Echomail Specification. 2013-03-12
ISDN capability flags in the Nodelist. 2013-03-12
Netmail Areatags. 2013-03-12
Type-10 Packet Format. 2013-03-12
Gateway between Fidonet compatible networks. 2013-03-12
RTF Mail; Message Formatting in the Type 2 Message Packet. 2013-03-12
Describing FidoNet with a layered model. 2013-03-12
Type-3 Packet proposal. 2013-03-12
New Packet Type. 2013-03-12
Standard for message IDs. 2013-03-12
Electronic Data Exchange Standard Level 1. 2013-03-12
Descriptions of the "NOZIP" and "ERX" nodelist flags. 2013-03-12
Standard Request Information File (SRIF). 2013-03-12
File Forwarding. 2013-03-12
Compatibility and Link Qualifier Extensions for EMSI Sessions. 2013-03-12
INTL addressing control line. 2013-03-12
FTSC Issued Product Codes. 2013-03-12
ISDN Nodelist Flags. 2013-03-12
New Control Lines for Forwarded Messages. 2013-03-12
Reduced seen-by lines. 2013-03-12
Suggested use of Nodelist Fields. 2013-03-12
Standard Fidonet Addressing. 2013-03-12
The Distribution Nodelist (was: FTS-0005.003). 2013-03-12
Timezone information in FTN messages. 2013-03-12
Via kludge specification. 2013-03-12
Binkp - a protocol for transferring FidoNet mail over reliable connections. 2013-03-12
Numeric reply indication in FTN subject lines. 2013-03-12
Kludge for specifying addition e-mail reply addresses. 2013-03-12
Multiple recipient address specification to gateway. 2013-03-12
New control lines for forwarded messages. 2013-03-12
Year 2000 issues in FTN software. 2013-03-12
Moderating by Voting echomail distribution system. 2013-03-12
Binkp optional protocol extension Multiple Password. 2013-03-12
Hudson Message Base (HMB) locking semantics. 2013-03-12
Zone 2 nodelist flags. 2013-03-12
Integration of IP-Nodes in the nodelist. 2013-03-12
The ICM flag. 2013-03-12
Binkp/1.0 optional protocol extension Multiple Batch. 2013-03-12
IPv6 colon substitution in the nodelist.. 2013-03-12
Character set definition in Fidonet messages. 2013-03-12
Unicode character set in FidoNet messages. 2013-03-12
Binkp optional protocol extension CRC Checksum.. 2014-12-19
Translation of a Fidonet Address into an Internet Domain Name. 2013-03-12
Translation of a Fidonet Address into an Internet Domain Name. 2013-03-12
FTN Address Format. 2015-01-05
Serial number allocation in Mesage IDs. 2014-12-19
Binkp optional protocol extension Dataframe. 2014-12-19
Automatic configuration of Points in FidoNet. 2014-12-19
Automatic configuration of Points in FidoNet. 2014-12-19
Advanced BinkleyTerm Style Outbound flow and control. 2014-12-19
DNS Distributed Nodelist. 2013-03-12
IPv6 numbers in the nodelist.. 2013-03-12
The INO4 flag. 2014-06-30
Tic file format. 2016-11-07
PING and TRACE Flags. Title: The PING and TRACE flags. 2022-12-24