

On this page you'll find "news". They may, or may not, be up to date, but I'll try my best to inform about what's going on.

FrontDoor 24.01 (OS/2)

FrontDoor for OS/2 has been re-booted, whatever that means :-)

Consider the first few versions trial versions, or beta versions, or whatever… you get the idea.

See FrontDoor for downloads.
FrontDoor 24.01 (DOS)

FrontDoor for DOS has been re-booted, whatever that means :-)

Consider the first few versions trial versions, or beta versions, or whatever… you get the idea.

See FrontDoor for downloads.
XRobot 4.10

XRobot 4.10 has been released! This version corrects a few outstanding issues, and adds a new function. XRobot is now “Y2K-safe”.