

Thank you!

Since 1986 hundreds of people have helped beta testing code that has come to become useful (depending on whom you ask) products; free, shareware and/or commercial.

Many more have used the products every day for years. Thousands of suggestions, friendly advice, constructive criticism, and sometimes actual code has been sent my way.

Needless to say I am in debt to all you girls, guys, men, women, and kids that helped make these products what they ended up being. I learned a lot from you, and not just about coding :-)

So, without further ado: THANK YOU ALL!

The last airbender

This site is a slightly updated (2025) version of what used to be the Definite Solutions website. The goal was to make it slightly less bloated while keeping most of the (relevant) files and documents available for download.

You can get in touch with Joaquim Homrighausen at and 2:201/4609.

You can get in touch with Mats Wallin at Please respect that Mats is no longer developing FrontDoor APX for Windows, nor for FidoNet in general.

Some other places you may find Joaquim include:

And elsewhere in the physical and virtual universe.

Some day, there will be a lot of stories to tell … and for those of you who remember, DeltaFelters and StealthCookies rock!